Below is a short bio about Salahe

Salehe Salehe
Salehe Salehe (Said) was born in Arusha, Tanzania. He received a BSc. degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Dodoma (UDOM) at the college of informatics and virtual education, Dodoma Tanzania, in 2021.
In 2021 he Co-founded Camel Labs the company that engages in transforming the digital economy by foreseeing and utilizing the so-called 4IR technologies mainly Artificial Intelligence, Block Chain, Virtual Technologies, Internet of things, and Robotics, currently acts as organizer of Enhance Mind Artificial Intelligence Conference.
He has been with TelesoftAI on planning the Artificial Intelligence and Life event that happened at the University of Dodoma, UDOM. He was with the non-profit organization AIESEC from 2018 - 2020 and worked as a Business Customer Experience leader as Local Chapter Vice President (LCVP-BCXP) serving different roles.
Salehe S. is a technology passionate, innovative, and challenging tasks believing in technology's ability to impact lives at a scale that has never been realized and not using the technology just because it is there.