Below is a short bio about Nelly Nyadzua

Nelly Nyadzua
Nelly Nyadzua is a certified AWS practitioner, Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity Specialist. She is passionate about the security of the data and the use of artificial intelligence models to accurately predict solutions that are sustainable and precise. She is competent in both qualitative and quantitative research approaches. As part of her work, she contributed to the forming of the Reimagining Youth Engagement Report, a forum held by Mastercard foundations and Young Africa Works.
She also developed the National Communications and Advocacy Strategy (NCAS) for TVET Sub-Sector in Kenya, a project by the Ministry of Education (State Department of VTT), the Joint Sub-Sector Working Group (JSSWG), and the Technical Working Group (TWG), on TVET and youth employment in Kenya. She works with Omdena to use artificial intelligence to bring solutions to everyday problems from all around the World.
She advises bloggers through the Bloggers Association of Kenya (BAKE) to use data to share information and grow audiences. She facilitates training on Digital Security and worked with KICTANet, Deutsche Welle (DW), Association for Progressive Communications (APC) through their project Our Voices Our Future (OVOF) among others.