
Below is a short bio about Mark Gatere

Speaker 1

Mark Gatere

Mark Gatere is a student and a community builder at Dedan Kimathi University of Technology, with a passion for learning and a strong desire to create.

He is the GDSC (Google Developer Students Club) Co-Lead at Dedan Kimathi University, a Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador, Zindi Ambassador and also a Hugging Face Ambassador.

Being one of the community leads in DeKUT, his goals has always been aligned towards the success of the communities at DeKUT where despite working on personal projects, he also focus on how he can share the knowledge and the skills he have with other students to enable them have an easy start and a clear path to success in the field of Technology.

In that regard, he decided to create and publish technical articles/blog posts with specific topics, which includes: Data Structures and Algorithms, Data Science, Machine Learning, and Python and still in the process of writing more. he is super glad that all his technical articles have been accepted in the Google Developer Library and have also been featured by some platforms as 'some of the best learning resources'.